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Political Prisioner - Dr. Richard I. Fine. - Interview with Alex Jones from Jail.
Political Prisioner - Dr. Richard I Fine interviewed in Jail by Alex Jones - Info Wars.
Political Prisoner Presentations Play Presentation Notes
Dr. Fine Speaks to the Full Disclosure Network the Day Before Being Illegally Sentenced to Coercive, Solitary Confinerment in the LA County Jail.
Interview with Dr. Fine on March 3, 2009 the day before he was sentenced for contempt of court for refusing to answer questions regarding the illegal judgment issued by LA Superior Court Judge David P. Yaffe who was taking illegal payments ["bribes"] from LA County who was a party before him in the case. Dr. Fine explained how each judge knew that they were taking bribes in violation of the California Constitution, the U.S. Constitution, California criminal law and U.S. criminal law.
Dr. Fine Speaks to Lawless America.
Dr. Richard I. Fine, Ph.D.'s interview and proposed testimony for the U.S. Congress on behalf of the Lawless America campaign to stop corruption in the U.S. Courts.
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